Become a member of the Nordic Forum for Research in Dance and support the Nordic community of dance scholars and practitioners!
Membership fees:
- Regular membership fee 45 eur
- Institutional membership fee 100 eur
- Student membership fee (students up to Master’s degree and retired members) 25 eur
Fees cover:
- inclusion in each country’s local mailing list which shares information on NOFOD and dance research more generally
- inclusion in the local NOFOD activities of each country
- one copy of the Nordic Journal of Dance, issues with research articles (for institutional members two copies)
- for students and regular members discount rates in the biannual conference (institutional members can send two representatives for a reduced fee)
- possibilty to publish on the NOFOD blog
To become a member, please contact the local representative of your country. The local representatives are:
Denmark: Lars Dahl Pedersen, lars(at)
Account number: 472-8939 (+Grønland & Færørene)
Registration nr: 1551
Membership fee: 200 / 350 / 750 DKK
Finland: Tuire Colliander, tuire.colliander(at)
Account number: IBAN FI4640553020143905 / BIC HELSFIHH
Membership fee: 25 / 45 / 100 EUR
Iceland: Katrín Gunnarsdóttir, katrin.gunnar(at)
Account number: 0517 26 5805
ID number: 580500-4040
Membership fee: 4000 ISK / 8000 ISK (institutions)
Norway: Irene Velten Rothmund, irenevelten.rothmund(at)
Account number: 0530 05 62363
Membership fee: 250 / 450 / 1000 NOK
Sweden: Petra Hultenius, petra.hultenius(at)
Account number (plusgiro): 484 51 06 – 6
Membership fee: 250 / 450 / 1050 SEK