Previous Conferences

Oslo Conference 2024

16th NOFOD Conference

The Dancer and the Dance:
practices, education, communities, traditions, and histories

April 23 – 26, 2024

Kristiania University College, Department of Performing Arts (Høyskolen Kristiania)

Urtegata 9 (entrance from Norbygata), Oslo.

Throughout history the dancer has amongst other things been the focus of attention, admiration, despise and contempt. Being the situation for dance movement, steps, dances and choreography, the human body, and embodied practices are central in most dance contexts. Historically dance is practised, transformed, adapted, choreographed, invented, renewed, passed on, conserved, and understood as ever changing. One could argue that there is a mutual dependency between the dancer and the dance and that without the dancer dance simply does not exist, or is that necessarily so?

The 16th NOFOD conference addresses dancers’ experiences and actions, as well as different understandings of the dancer, dance, and dancing. We invite presentations investigating the dancer, the dance, and their relationship from various perspectives and contexts.

Conference Program



Copenhagen Conference

15th NOFOD Conference

Moving, relating, commanding. Choreographies for bodies, identities and ecologies

Venue: The Danish National School of Performing Arts in Copenhagen

In the 15th NOFOD conference we want to address choreography’s acute cultural and sociopolitical relevance in the face of worldwide protesting and a global pandemic. Choreography holds a capacity to exert and impose power, but also to identify, investigate and undermine it. As “a plan or orchestration of bodies in motion,” choreography provides knowledge about movement and its regulation: how moving bodies are arranged, fixed, ordered and manipulated. At the same time, choreographic knowledge enables analyses of such regulation and its embodied defiance.


Helsinki Conference 2019


Practice, Participation and Politics 

Call for Papers



Liisa Pentti (Finland)

Steve Valk (Germany)

Ann Cooper Albright (USA)

Place: Theatre Academy



13th International NOFOD Conference

June 14–17 2017

University of Gothenburg, Department of Cultural Sciences, Sweden

Call for Proposals

In what ways can dance (in its broadest definition) enable people to think about themselves, their communities, their environments, their past, their aspirations and their future in a new and transformative fashion? The 13th NOFOD conference is concerned with democracy, a word with Greek roots meaning ‘government by the people’. The concept of democracy takes on a variety of meanings in different times, places and contexts, but its characteristic key effects remain ‘different practices of inclusion and exclusion’ (Lena Hammergren 2011). In recognition of this, the conference invites contributions exploring and celebrating the multiverse of dance practices, theories, and histories in relation to democratic challenges in a global, yet always also local world.

Questions that may be considered include but are not limited to: Who are the dancer, student, and audience today? How can the increasingly problematic political situation for publicly supported dance education, institutions and independent initiatives in Nordic countries be critically and constructively addressed? What counter-forces and activist, alternative, and historically anchored approaches are in play? If dance takes place in a global world, what new strategies emerge in the local contexts, and how does the local affect the global? How do networks and social media actualize local and global questions? What happens with issues of identity production in a world where few things are given? How do the rhetoric and politics of value, quality and equality operate in various dance contexts? And how does practice-based and theorized research address such crucial questions?

Striving to embrace a plurality of approaches, in a shared, creative and illuminating space, the organizers warmly welcome you to Gothenburg, which is hosting the NOFOD conference for the first time.

For the upcoming 13th international NOFOD conference the NOFOD board welcomes practice-based, artistic and scholarly contributions. We encourage you to submit a wide range of proposals for presentations: movement workshops, paper presentations, lecture-demonstrations, roundtable discussions, lecture performances, conversations, as well as other formats.

Keynote speakers:

Mats Nilsson, dance researcher and senior lecturer in ethnology, and deputy head of education at the Department of Cultural Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Stacey Prickett, principal lecturer in Dance Studies at the University of Roehampton, London.

Tone Pernille Østern, dance artist and professor in Arts Education at the Programme for Teacher Education, University of Science and Technology, Trondheim.


Reykjavik, Iceland, 28 – 31 May 2015.

Expanding Notions;

12th international NOFOD Conference

Conference website

The realm of dance practice and research manifests itself in multiple ways. Within dance studies as an interdisciplinary field, the notions of dance, practice and research are constantly challenged – leading to fundamental questions such as: what is practice and what is knowledge? This, in turn, may open up new methodological questions. Possibilities and connections are created between methods in practice and methods in research, in ways that lead us to revisit and revise the concept of method as such, and as a consequence question different approaches to knowledge. This conference addressed the multiple understandings of methodologies in dance practice and research, in order to contest pre-conceived conceptions of methods and revise our understanding of doing and knowing.


  • the expanded notions of dance/practice/research/method
  • changing methods of dance practices
  • pedagogical methods and challenges
  • choreographic methods and practices
  • the practice of research methods
  • methodological questions and challenges in an expanded landscape of dance practice and research
  • the consequences of these changes and challenges in terms of the understanding of knowledge

call for proposals (pdf)


NOFOD and SDHS International Joint Conference
Dance ACTions – Traditions and Transformations
Trondheim, 8–11 June 2013


10th International NOFOD Conference
Spacing Dance(s) – Dancing Space(s)
Odense, 27–30 January 2011


9th International NOFOD Conference
Dance – Movement – Mobility
Tampere, 23–26 October 2008


8th International NOFOD Conference
The North in a Global Context
Stockholm, 12–15 January 2006


7th International NOFOD Conference
Dance Heritage: Crossing Academia and Physicality
Reykavik, 15–18 April 2004


6th international NOFOD Conference
Cognitive Aspects of Dance
Trondheim, 10–13 January 2002


5th International NOFOD Conference
Nordic Dance Research Conference
Copenhagen 27–30th of January 2000


4th International NOFOD Conference
Nordic Dance Research Conference
Helsinki 13–16th of November 1997


3th International NOFOD Conference
Tradition och förnyelse
Stockholm, 5–8 January 1995


2th International NOFOD Conference
Dansens dimensioner
Trondheim, 7–10 January 1993


1st International NOFOD Conference
Copenhagen, 19–21 October 1990