Enjoy news from our member forum!
Since 2021 the NOFOD board has discussed the possibilities using a blog, where both board and members can post news and entries. Below you can read more about the intentions and view examples from the blog. It is still under construction.
See what our blog might look like.
This could, we believe, facilitate outreach and increase member activity. Dance research in the Nordic-Baltic region is still a small domain, sometimes labelled a periphery, from the perspective of the Anglo-Saxon world. Hence, the blog by sharing news and knowledge, will contribute to increasing the presence of critical and constructive explorations of dance, in the Nordics, and beyond. Importantly, while NOfOD is geographically situated in the North, its research is transnational and connections with the global dance world are encouraged.
If you wish to contribute to the blog, please become a member
All members are granted access to the blog and are trusted to publish news of their choice.